“Bummed” Out

I briefly thought about a different kind of bum picture, since this post is about a different kind of bum.  Any kind of “bum” pic I posted was going to be a funny one, but the one above really made me laugh.  “Monkey butt” would have also made me laugh, but I found this pic first!  🙂

And since I’m *loosely* writing a post about thankfulness, the pic I chose gives me a great opportunity to state that I AM THANKFUL!  Thankful I can speak and walk.  Thankful I have (most of) my teeth.  Thankful for a job.  Thankful I’m not yet wearing diapers again.  Thankful that God does indeed bless!

This post is also about something I’m fearful of: my oldest daughter growing older!  She’s always been a challenge, but so far we’ve only had to deal with “little girl challenges.”   Yesterday & today, however, I’ve gotten a real big “wake-up call” about what the future may hold.  We have a newish neighbor who is the same age (9) as our oldest.  She has already proclaimed her undying love for new neighbor boy.  Anytime she has permission—and many times she doesn’t—she makes a beeline for his house.  Last night was an example of a “no permission” trip to the house next door.

We had just returned home from church, and before I even had a chance to realize she wasn’t in our house, she comes running through the door shouting: “You won’t believe what I just saw!”  Turns out, she was right!  I didn’t believe what she had just seen.  As I was getting her younger sister out of the van and in our house,  Big Sister snuck over to “neighbor boy’s” house—at bath time.  As her visit was unexpected, neighbor boy was apparently standing in his living room in the buff.  He took off down his hall as soon as my daughter began knocking on their door.  Thankfully, she only saw his backside.  (See, I told you this post is about thankfulness!)

I tried to downplay the event last night.  But today she made it pretty clear: I definitely have reason to be worried.  She said (in a rather dreamy manner): “Dad, last night was the best night of my life!”  Having “sometimers disease,” I just had to ask:  “Why?”   She grinned and said, “You know Dad…cause of what I sawww!  I can’t believe I actually saw his bum!”   (Insert mental image of Dad pulling hair out here)

But thankfully I have a pretty level-headed wife.  She reminded me that these emotions in our daughter were bound to happen some day.  (Though she did admit it’s earlier than she had expected as well!)  But she also said something that is crucially important.  While we continue to teach our daughter the benefits of living with moral integrity, the most important lesson we can teach her is to live a life of love for God!  Whether I like it or not, there will be a day in the future (like when she’s 25) when she won’t be constrained by any of my rules or expectations.  It will be her love for God alone which will compel her to make wise, godly choices as she grows, spreads wings, and becomes completely independent.

So today this “bummed out Dad” is most thankful for a God who has made this promise: “(be) confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”  (Philippians 1:6)

77 responses »

  1. This is a cute post, thanks for sharing your story.

    From the appearance of your moral; I am sure your daughter will turn out to be just fine with your guidance.

    Our thankfullness & fears, quite an interesting topic!

  2. Wow… may God give y’all great wisdom, gentleness and patience… may He give your girl a teachable spirit that hungers after truth and righteousness.

    thankful for your sense of humor even in the hard.


  3. Who knows, maybe the next door kid will turn out to be a great man, and your daughter would end up marrying him 🙂 Now, that would be a fairy tale wedding. You may lose some hair during her teen years, though…lol

  4. Oh my! LOL! I think you can be thankful that she was honest. Rest in God’s promises. I have and so far, so good. 🙂

    • Now that is an encouraging comment! Thanks! And, her honesty is definitely a blessing. Even before she had sisters, she would “tattle” on herself to make sure we knew about her mischief!

      • Knowing a child has a healthy conscience brings great satisfaction to a parent and can be a powerful weapon. That started out as a joke but…Anyway, marvelous and charming post.

  5. Love this post! LOOOL! I laughed hard..I can imagine the dreamy face..
    This is what most fathers fear..but in the end, they realise there was really nothing to be afraid of..because they eventually realise that they raised us and we became (and your daughters will become!) amazing women!
    Have no fear..super parents will be your guide dear! 😛

    It’s always good to be thankful..especially for the things we most often forget!

    • You made me smile really big with this comment. And you give me lots of hope for the future…if our girls turn out as wonderful (and intelligent) as you, we will feel like “super parents” for sure 🙂

      • awww..not saying it will be easy..I was a tough cookie in my teens..not too bad though 😛 but you seem very grounded..and you have fun with your kids and teach them the ways of the Lord..
        Faith, someone to believe in us, encourage us and love is we need! And trust your awesome parenting skills..pffft..it’ll be a breeeeze! 😛

  6. This was a delightful read, funny as well ( that photo, and your daughters encounter). However I found this reflective for myself and need to read this. Thank you. Blessing for you and your daughter. 🙂

  7. Better you than me! That’s some scary stuff right there, and I ain’t skeert a nothin!
    BUT! I’m going to say it will all work out, because it sounds to me like she has some wonderful parents!

  8. I can see the dad of a tween starting to emerge now…lol. It is the time when dads of daughters start losing hair, mumbling about how boys better stay away, and thinking of buying a shotgun to clean on the porch should any boy think of approaching their daughter…lol. I’ve seen it time and time again. Maybe she was just thankful and excited that he remembered to wipe, or that he didn’t wear diapers still…probably not, but it might mean having a talk to her now just in case.

  9. Noel Williams (prhayz) www.prhayz.com

    Don’t worry my friend! Your daughter seems to be well grounded.

    Thanks for the chuckle.

  10. LOL … You left out some of the other stuff I said. 😉

  11. This is indeed a humorous post but I won’t downplay the concern that you might have for your daughter. I believe you are already doing an excellent job as a father. As I read, I couldn’t help but think about a little book that might suit her well. Could you please check out The Basket of Flowers by Christoph Von schmid? It is an excellent story about a pious little girl and her father who went through hardship and found favour in God’s eyes. It has some very riveting lessons about the importance of purity. Please let me know what you think.

  12. Oh my, I don’t know whether to say that this was adorable or whether to tell you that I just offered up a prayer for you in her teen years. lol! Thanks for the laugh! 🙂

  13. And so it begins…the desire to ground them for life simply to keep them innocent of this world that is not our home! So, is he getting a robe for his birthday?
    For what it’s worth, I don’t remember much from my 9 year old years 😉 but she will remember the lesson you’re teaching her. To seek His love. His approval above all else. thank you. For showing her the one, true way!

    all for Him

  14. I think my anti-anxiety meds are weaing off! I have a seven-year-old daughter, and what you’re describing here is one of my great fears. I hope God will give me the wisdom and courage to be the Dad my daughter needs me to be, and not the nervous, fearful wreck I’m likely to be on my own. Thanks for sharing this!

    • Wow…that’s a strong comment. Not only do I need to pray for her heart, this Dad needs to be praying for himself! Like you, I am prone to worrying too much. God is faithful, however, and I can trust Him (much more than myself) in the life of this precious little girl.

  15. That was hilarious! And you’re far more lenient than we are — my husband’s comment about 25 being the age of freedom was, “Yeah, try 40!” Peace be with you, and may the Lord always grant you the grace of eyes that see the joy in every “AAAAAAAAARGH” moment! — Kelly

  16. I thought as my kids got older I wouldn’t have so many worries. I was wrong. It doesn’t get easier…just different. Raising them up in the LORD is what I believe will make all the difference. Thanks for writing this…I needed it!

  17. You know, I don’t mean to be a downer here and over-react, but I think this is a good reminder of how important a father is in a daughter’s life. My father ignored me most of my life (now that he’s nearing 92, he seems to be paying more attention), and his indifference to me caused me to view boys and then men as more attractive and desirable than was warrented. My father rejected me, so I looked for acceptance and affirmation through men–not a good thing. Looking back, if I had known my worth in Christ, I would have fared much better. Please make sure to teach your daughter Biblical truth about her worth in God’s eyes, and have your wife model the attributes of a godly woman. And pray.

    • Joy, this is a GREAT comment…not a downer at all! There is so much wisdom in your comment, and I can assure you I am taking these words to heart. I will copy/paste this comment and revisit these words often!

  18. Hey I really loved your post. It reminded me of something I have had to learn the hard way throughout the years. I mean this to be encouraging in every way. While I think it’s great and very important to “live a life of love for God,” I think it is more important to live a life fully aware and confident of God’s love for us. I have been zealous for the Lord and boasted of my love for Christ as Peter did and ultimately took a fall similar to Peter. What I have learned is to stop boasting in my love for Him and to boast in His love for me. Just as Gal 6:14 says, “But God forbid that I should boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.” Boasting in the cross of our Lord is boasting in His great love to sacrifice Himself for a broken people.
    Also if you look at the gospel of John, he refers to Himself as the disciple whom Jesus loved and he was faithful to the end. My flesh is weak and unable to give God the love that He deserves, but my Spirit is willing. I think that it is great to encourage a love for God, but I think the better thing is to constantly affirm God’s love for us.
    And I’m not trying to say that you aren’t doing this or trying to criticize your parenting in any way, I just wanted to give you a different perspective.
    Be encouraged! 🙂

    • Sarah, you have just blessed me more than you can even begin to know! This just might qualify for “comment of the century”! I needed to read this, and I praise God for this comment at just the right moment! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  19. Hysterical. Dreamy?! Love it. Oh, I get that it’s terrifying too. I DO think it’s pretty interesting that she even shared that with you! I never would have! Then again, I don’t think I would have cherished a peeping Tom incident, but then…you just never know. ;-).

    I did skim through the replies and noticed one about a father’s role, how crucial…*wow*. I fully agree. You seem to be a dad who is cautious with that responsibility, which is just…priceless. Don’t know if you ever read my “hoodie” post but next time you wonder how your daughter feels about you…check that out :).

    Good stuff, had fun reading. 🙂

    • Thanks for the “heads up” about the hoodie story…I’ll check it out soon! Also appreciate your encouraging comments. She is a constant source of joy & laughter…it’s really nice to have an “audience” to share some of her stories with. 🙂

  20. I am thankful too, that though my boys are both headaches at least once a day, I am thankful that they are both boys. God knew better than to give me girls. Good luck to you. 😉

  21. I love this post. Funny and touching. 🙂

  22. Pingback: This is the day… « New View From Here

  23. purpleowltree1234

    First of all, thankfulness- gratitude- is one of the central keys to happiness.
    Second of all, I’m SO IMPRESSED that your daughter can talk to you like she did about what she sawwww! How A.W.E.S.O.M.E. ! That shows me you and your wife have laid down some great foundations in your parenting and relationships wtih your daughter.
    Thirdly, I’d be crapping myself if this were my daughter! Now I get what you meant about “That neighbour boy” or however you similarly referred to him in a later post.
    I’m kind of hoping she’s hit the hormones before him, and he’s not too interested in romance with girls yet… but I might be too late.
    Imagining your desperate attempts at appearing calm and handling this calmly.
    Thinking of you all.
    Love from Rach.

    • NOW that is a NICE thing to hear! Sometimes I feel like we are in WAY over our heads raising 3 girls! 🙂 Thanks for all your wonderful comments today…I”m swamped with work, but I can’t wait to read more of your blog as well!

      • purpleowltree1234

        ehh he.. my Blog isn’t fun like yours! Just warning you! And no pressure to read it if you’d rather not! I’m really enjoying your Blog though!!
        Love from Rach


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