The “Bloggies”: Answering Questions

So here are some responses to the blog awards I mentioned in an earlier post.  I’m calling them “the bloggies.”  🙂


The Sunshine Award

1. What are the priorities in my life?

God, Wife, Children, Ministry/work, Bama football 🙂

2. what do i do for a living?

Mentor students & minister to them and their families.
3. What are your hobbies?

Blogging, of course!  Time with family is huge.  Fond of a few t.v. shows.
4. how many kids do you have?

Three—all girls!  Range in ages 2–9


The Versatile Blogger

Tell 7 things about myself that you don’t know:

1.  Once spent a night in jail—a result of too much studying!  🙂  (my study partner was working graveyard shift at the jail and they had an empty cell when I got tired)

2.  I’ve been to every continental U.S. state except 3: Idaho, Oregon, and Washington.

3.  I flew to very few of those states!  I enjoy maintaining a close proximity to terra firma.

4.  Continuing with the “state theme,” I’ve lived in 4: Alabama, Florida, Louisiana, & Mississippi.

5.  Love being on the water (boat, canoe, raft) but don’t do it nearly as often as I’d like.

6.  Speaking of water: the biggest fish I ever caught was a 38 pound red-fish, and I caught that off of a pier!

7.  Used hair-spray this morning as my deodorant!  (Confused the spray cans…lol)

12 responses »

  1. And Washington and Oregon are the two states I’d most like to visit/live in. So it’s a good thing you haven’t been to either yet. 🙂

    LOVED #7, especially bearing witness to the act.

  2. hair spray for deoderant?? lol, that was a good one. congrats on your award

  3. Thanks for sharing so much “about you” with rest of the world like this, that is very generous of you. I can’t help wonder about one question regarding all your love for water activity…you are a good swimmer, too, right? lol. I think the life-vest in the picture has something to do with curiosity over that

    • LOL…good point. I’m a decent swimmer for sure, but the rafting companies don’t let you rent their equipment unless you wear the vest. Plus I was guiding a group of teenage girls in that particular pic…our chances of flipping over while navigating the rapids were pretty high! 🙂 But I have to hand it to them—they followed instructions pretty well that day and we never flipped over!

      • I knew that was the case but I just couldn’t help laughing at the possibility, just what IF, you didn’t know how to swim…lol. I would have said, that makes two of us. I can float on my back to save my life, but as soon as I flip over where my belly is pointing down, I’m toast…lol.
        Tell you what though, I think I’m gonna try some sort boating activity with my family this year. Luckily my wife is a tri-athlete, so she should be able to rescue all three of us incase we take in water 🙂

        • lol…I thought you had mentioned she was a tri-athlete, so I’m sure you’ll be in good hands! 🙂

          Something that’s really fun is just getting on a pontoon (party boat is what some call it) and slowly motoring across a lake…and with a life vest you are about as safe as can be !

          • Oh man! you just nailed it. I love taking my boys to Bass Pro shop because they have the most amazing collection of party pontoons in my area. I can’t wait for the day when I can own one of those boats. I can go a step further and see if I can talk my wife into retiring in a cool houseboat. Wouldn’t that be an awesome idea? And yeah, lifevest would be a very good idea for me.

          • Just let me know when you get the pontoon! I love the Chesapeake (what little time I’ve been able to spend on it), and always have a good time on any kind of boat. I’ll even bring the lifevests 🙂

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  5. purpleowltree1234

    These awards are great ways to get to know you better! :o) Thank you for the glimpse into your life. ;o)
    If I ever spend any amount of time in jail, I’m using your “studying too much” excuse!!! It’s Brilliant!! :o)
    Love from Rach.


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