Tag Archives: versatile blogger

Finally Sharing the Love!

I posted my response to this award over a week ago.  I’m honored that I was nominated for this award, and now it is time to share the honor with others.  It’s really hard to choose only 15 fellow bloggers, but I’m choosing based upon people who I really enjoy reading, who I don’t *think* have received this (or other) award yet, and those who haven’t stated they host an “award free blog.”  🙂  If you’re nominated, please don’t feel obligated to participate.  And if you aren’t nominated, please don’t be upset!  I’ll be happy to share the love with you next time…just let me know you’re interested.

So, here’s the deal.  Once I nominate you, tell us 7 things about yourself that most of us don’t know.  Then you nominate more people! (15 is the suggestion)  By the way, here is my list of 7 odd facts.  And below is the list of bloggers I’ve nominated for “The Versatile Blogger” Award.  Enjoy.

http://linneann.wordpress.com/ <—— amazing writer, “supermom”, & all-around wonderful person!

http://xoevelynortizhasspoken.wordpress.com/  <——-  this young lady has tons of drive & determination, plus she’s an awesome commenter!

http://hangingoutandin.wordpress.com/  <——- another “supermom” who shares incredibly heart-touching stories!

http://chris9911.wordpress.com/  <—– hilarious blogger, great dad, crazy in love with his wife, & he can help you buy the right p.c.!

http://simplystriving.wordpress.com/ <——–  one of the most inpirational bloggers you will ever read!

http://rabidmongoose.wordpress.com/ <—— tackles some really heavy subjects, & offers incredible insight…plus you can learn about gardening!

http://dailymomprayers.wordpress.com/ <—– yet another “supermom” with a “superblog”!

http://sberris0.wordpress.com/  <——- a young woman who is wise beyond her years!..very artsy & creative too!

http://theactsproject.wordpress.com/  <—– you will find amazing writing from an amazing mom/wife here & you will love it!

http://tasmith1122.wordpress.com/  <—– this is one of my wife’s fave poets/bloggers & I’ve grown very fond of her as well 🙂

http://ladywithabirthmark.wordpress.com/  <—- adding some international flavor with this delightful blogger!

http://mylifeuncutalmost.wordpress.com/  <—– wonderful woman of wisdom & integrity!

http://illumylife.com/  <———- pretty pictures, creative crafts, wise words, lovely lady!

http://newkarensue.wordpress.com/ <———- new pic everyday, and always something worth reading!

http://causeisaidso.me/  <———– terrific, heart-felt writing from a terrific mom…super enjoyable blog.